Custom Cases Inc. can provide you with solutions that will protect your equipment while it is being shipped, stored or deployed. Representing some of the largest case manufacturers in North America, we can find a case that will meet your price expectation while protecting your goods. Whether you want a COTS ("Commercial Off The Shelf") case or one that is built to your specifications, we can get it for you. If all you need is a well designed custom foam insert to go into a case you already have, well we can provide one for you as well. Our strength is to supply you with cases for mission critical situations where equipment failure is not an option once deployed.

We provide our customers with aluminum and plastic cases with the type, size and options designed to meet their specifications. We do not just sell cases, we sell solutions that meet our customers' specifications. For more info about our product line, click here.

We invite you to browse our site to get an appreciation of the variety of cases and case inserts that we offer. We are constantly searching for additional lines to add to our listings so check back often. We have sourced top quality manufactures who can deliver solutions that will protected the contents of any case during deployment and while in use in the field.  We are happy to answer any questions, no matter how trivial they may seem and encourage you to ask us for a quote for your needs. You won't be disappointed!


Check out our new CHILLER RACK MOUNT CASES! - the ultimate high capacity, closed-loop, climate controlled shock-mounted rack mount case - the best on the market today! Protect your deployed electronics from overheating, freezing, moisture/humidity, sand / dust / dirt, hazardous chemicals / Fumes and unauthorized access. For further details click here.


Members of the armed forces of both Canada and the US, along with their NATO allies have been battling world terrorist groups since 2001 in the theatres of Iraq and Afghanistan. We owe these brave men and women a debt of gratitude for their efforts. We also must not forget that all members of armed forces have families at home who wake up each day wondering if their loved ones will be returning home. We salute the members of the Armed Forces and their families. We also encourage each and every one of you to support the families of our military personnel by visiting the respective pages of the organizations that support the troops and their families by clicking here.

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